Chatham University
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Pittsburgh, PA 15232
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Gambia is the smallest mainland country in Western Africa, bordered by Senegal to the north, east, and south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Gambia is divided into five divisions and one city. The five divisions are then subdivided into 37 districts. This country is almost an enclave of Senegal and is less than 48 km wide.

The government in Gambia is democratically elected. The constitution provides a strong presidential government, a unicameral legislature, an independent judiciary, and the protection of human rights. The government of Gambia is often accused of restricting free speech.

In 2004, all printing and broadcasting licenses were cancelled and forced media groups to re-register at five times the original cost. Tourism has become increasingly popular in Gambia. The number of visitors increased from 300 tourists in 1965 to 25,000 visitors in 1976. It has been seen as the ideal place for Europeans to escape the harsh winter months and instead enjoy the sun, sand, beaches and a real African holiday. The government is eager to diversity the economy but infrastructure development has been very slow.

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Quick Facts

Population: 1,840,454
Capital: Banjul
Per-capita GDP: $ 2000
Size: 11,295 km2
Time Zone: (GMT) Dublin

US State Department

Travel Warning: YES
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Country Specific Info.

Country information is adapted from public domain resources including the CIA World Fact Book and
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Chatham University Office of Global Engagement